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Announcing Freedom's Dynamic Media Classic Migration Solution


Announcing Freedom's Dynamic Media Classic Migration Solution

So you’re thinking about upgrading from Dynamic Media Classic? The good news is that Adobe has handled the hardest part: the Dynamic Media Classic URLs that serve images, videos, and PDFs do not need to change. Thank goodness.

But there is still complexity, and after solving the hardest and most universal problem, Adobe has left the variously customer-specific questions of legacy integrations, asset organization, metadata enrichment, account consolidation, and cutover plans in the realm of implementation.

That is where Freedom can help.


How to Prepare for a DAM Project


How to Prepare for a DAM Project

Every technical project goes through a few standard phases—design, build, and test are common examples. Digital Asset Management projects typically include a precursor phase that is often referred to as “interminable waiting.”  Organizations using that delay productively will greatly improve their eventual DAM project.


Why #AmazonCart Will Put Retailers Without DAM Out of Business


Why #AmazonCart Will Put Retailers Without DAM Out of Business

This week, Amazon announced #AmazonCart.  And it was a Big Deal.  Or a Passing Fad. Or a Game-Changing Disruption.

The consensus among the media/blogging community was clear: they all needed to write and post clickbait as quickly as possible.

If you can’t tell, I’m typically cynical about most sweeping proclamations about the future of a particular technology. But in the case, put me in the Game-Changing-Disruption camp.  Specifically, the Act-Now-Or-Else cabin.  Which has great views of the Your-Business-Will-Fail-Without-This-One-Weird-Trick lake.

But tortured metaphors aside, I believe that retailers must respond immediately to #AmazonCart for reasons that are clear with a bit of careful forethought.